Locking in the sale of two machines for over $200K in 15 minutes at a trade show.

Locking in the sale of two machines for over $200K in 15 minutes at a trade show.

Command.App Gets Results
McCloskey’s sales app solution helped reps approach their customer engagement opportunities with confidence, knowing everything they need is at their fingertips ready to close deals faster.
The Company
McCloskey International Limited is a global company specializing in manufacturing machines for the screening and crushing industry where their materials processing product line is designed to address multiple customer job applications.

Their vast product line along with detailed sales support materials made it challenging for their marketing department to get sales and dealer support materials out in the hands of their over 300 reps in a manner that was easy to deploy, easy to update, and easy to maintain… AND easy for reps in the field to use on their mobile devices.

They were looking for a solution that could manage all their product sales and support materials in one easy to use Mobile App, so reps would not be disorganized and unprepared when meeting with customers.
The Company
McCloskey International Limited is a global company specializing in manufacturing machines for the screening and crushing industry where their materials processing product line is designed to address multiple customer job applications.

Their vast product line along with detailed sales support materials made it challenging for their marketing department to get sales and dealer support materials out in the hands of their over 300 reps in a manner that was easy to deploy, easy to update, and easy to maintain… AND easy for reps in the field to use on their mobile devices.

They were looking for a solution that could manage all their product sales and support materials in one easy to use Mobile App, so reps would not be disorganized and unprepared when meeting with customers.
How We Did It
To address McCloskey’s mobile sales challenges, our experienced presentation experts helped implement a Command.App solution that’s tailored to situationally present three separate customer engagement tracks depending on a buyer persona and understanding of need;

1) New & Featured Products,
2) Their Complete Product Line, and
3) Job Specific Applications.

The solution included a multi-use situational Sales App with a machine information, animated videos and supporting materials.
Internal sales and dealer reps can now use their mobile devices to interactively navigate to the sales collateral that matters the most to a potential buyer. They can execute a conversational approach that allows them to present only the materials of interest to the buyer, and if requested, share on the spot via customizable email templates.

Plus our solution works offline so reps on crowded trade show floors, or out in the field at remote locations never have any issues when bringing up content to show a buyer due to poor internet connectivity. All their support collateral is up to date and at the ready, and every video plays flawlessly.
How We Did It
To address McCloskey’s mobile sales challenges, our experienced presentation experts helped implement a Command.App solution that’s tailored to situationally present three separate customer engagement tracks depending on a buyer persona and understanding of need;

1) New & Featured Products,
2) Their Complete Product Line, and
3) Job Specific Applications.

The solution included a multi-use situational Sales App with a machine information, animated videos and supporting materials.
Internal sales and dealer reps can now use their mobile devices to interactively navigate to the sales collateral that matters the most to a potential buyer. They can execute a conversational approach that allows them to present only the materials of interest to the buyer, and if requested, share on the spot via customizable email templates.

Plus our solution works offline so reps on crowded trade show floors, or out in the field at remote locations never have any issues when bringing up content to show a buyer due to poor internet connectivity. All their support collateral is up to date and at the ready, and every video plays flawlessly.

“We started the show and within the first 15 minutes we SOLD two machines because we were able to quickly show our specs versus our competitors, immediately demonstrating our competitive advantage. Couldn’t have done it without Command.App.”

Julie Andras

Global Marketing and Communications Manager | McCloskey International

The Results

McCloskey’s sales app solution helped reps approach their customer engagement opportunities with confidence, knowing everything they need is at their fingertips ready to close deals faster. Sales cycles are shortened by immediately addressing a client's questions or concerns, and setting expectations on the spot.

Reps can execute impromptu presentations that are high-impact and effective. They can lead to the product or solution, rather than with the product by using direct navigation based on each customer's specific need.

They have reduced printing costs, and can also get their newer internal sales reps, and dealer reps up to speed quicker with strategic situational navigation.

To learn more about how we can help with your in-person or virtual sales enablement needs, fill out the form and we will be in touch.
We’d love an opportunity to talk about your mobile needs, give you a quick tour of Command.App and show you how we can streamline your sales and marketing practices with an easy to on-board mobile solution.
Schedule a quick 15 minute demo.